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The demerits of mobile phones

Photo by  samer daboul on pexels 

Your smartphone and you 

With the advancement of technology day by day, the thing that we have become most accustomed to is the mobile phone. Our daily work starts with a mobile alarm and at the end of the day when we go to sleep, our only companion is a mobile phone.

Only a handful of us knows about the physical and mental harm that excessive use of mobile phones can cause!

Let’s discuss the disadvantages of mobile phones.

1) Neck pain.

The problem of neck pain may arise due to prolonged head tilting on the mobile phone. Due to excessive game addiction, keep looking at the screen while watching videos or paying more attention to social media, most of the time, it is not possible to keep the correct distance and body position in terms of the use of a mobile phone. As a result, neck pain occurs due to head tilting more than usual. That's why any electronic device should be used keeping proper distance in-between and perfect body position.

2) Diminished eyesight.

According to the researchers, this issue is related to 'epigenetics'. In other words, by using mobile phones close to the eyes for a long time, a kind of genetic problem of vision loss occurs in people. According to ophthalmologists, excessive use of mobile phones can cause blindness. According to the American Macular Degeneration Association, the blue light out of a mobile phone can cause blindness through chronic damage to the retina of the eyes

3) Less hearing in the ears.

Prolonged talking on mobile phones, listening to loud music, and wearing headphones for a long time at a stretch repeatedly on the regular basis can cause severe hearing loss. 18 to 25-year-old people currently have the highest rate of hearing loss. Mobile users with using a mobile phone for more than 2-3 hours a day are more likely to become partially deaf within 3-4 years. A lot of accidents are happening constantly while walking around with headphones on. A large number of vehicular accidents, including trains, and buses, which make headlines in newspapers, are caused by people with headphones stuck in their ears.

Damage to bones and joints.

In June 2016, a report by the Dscout Blog revealed that research has shown that the amount of taps, clicks, and swipes on the screen of a typical smartphone user is an average of 2,617 times with a maximum of 5,427 times. Typing on the screen for a long time causes pain in the finger joints. It can even lead to arthritis. Moreover, sitting posture, talking with the phone between the shoulder and ear, and typing messages with excessive leaning can increase the risk of various physical problems.

5) Decreased sperm count

The frequency of electromagnetic radiation emitted from the mobile phones affects the various cells of the body and the male reproductive system. Harmful mobile waves can reduce sperm concentration and cause male impotence, researchers have claimed. Leaving the mobile phone in a pant pocket or a side pocket of a shirt after using it causes the temperature around the testicles to rise as the phone gets hot enough. As a result, the sperm gets damaged. For this reason, experts advise not to keep the mobile phone in the pant pockets or close to any sensitive part of the body.

6) Nomophobia

As a result of excessive use of mobile phones, a fear is created in the mind that whether the mobile phone is always there or lost. The name of this disease is nomophobia or no mobile phone phobia. 53 and 29 percent of young people in the UK and India are victims of the disease respectively. Also, excessive use of mobiles leads to stress, which affects other daily activities as well.

7) Hearing a sudden ringtone

Due to anxiety and depression, heavy users of mobile phones hear the sudden ringing of ringtones or vibrations. That is, it seems to them that someone may have called or they may have received a notification on the phone. However, nothing like that actually happened.

8) Irritability

Due to prolonged use of a mobile phone, most of the time, the mood of the user remains irritable. At the same time, restlessness and inattention that increase. Usually, then the user may not even realize the problem easily. Unknowingly or involuntarily, they happen to misbehave with someone.

9) Decreased thinking power

Due to excessive use of mobiles, people's ability to quick-thinking decreases. The decline in creativity leads to a decrease in one's ability to innovate and make decisions. Day by day the brilliant students are drifting away from the moral position as students resort to various forms of cheating and counterfeiting through mobile phones. As a result of addiction to mobile phone games and social media etc., children and teenagers are becoming careless in eating and daily activities.

10) Porn addiction

Mobile phones are now available to people of all ages due to their affordability. As a result of which various types of unethical activities have increased. As a consequence of sky-culture, young people have become addicted to pornography through the Internet. The rate of porn addiction is highest among school-going students. Consequently, along with various physical problems, the tendency of deviant sexual behavior among young people is increasing at an alarming rate. Experts believe that owing to the availability of mobile phones and the Internet, the resulting pornographic addiction is one of the reasons behind the increase in cases of rape and murder.

So, now is the time to be aware of all that and warn others too!

Therefore, without stretching the discussion any longer, I'd like to put an end to it here.
Stay fit and healthy, see you soon...


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